Story - The OldWinburnians

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Switzerland 1947

Brian Davis has sent me many details of this trip together with photographs and diary details from Mike Clift.  This is a flavour of the trip.   For a more 'wordy' discription from the Winburnian magazine, please select "School Magazine" from the sub menu on the left.

On the first of April 1947 a group of boys,(including Brock, Mike Clift, Brian Davis, Haysom, Hill, Holt, Michael, Pat Pope and Weare) and masters, (including Fishy Maiden, Eric Huntington and Nobby Clarke) left Wimborne at 7am, apparently by coach to the Victoria Coach Station London, then on foot to Victoria Railway station and by train to Dover. Mike was ill on the boat, which may explain the lack of comments on the journey from then, until he arrived in Basle on the 2nd at 1:30.

On the 3rd April they went to Vitznau and on the 4th to Gersau and up the Rigi where there was deep snow. On Saturday the 5th the boys had a steamer trip to Lucern and on Sunday they walked to Gersau whilst on Monday they had a boat trip from there to Fluellen, walked to Tellskapell and returned by boat.

On the 8th they started their return journey via Basle, travelling overnight to reach Ostend at 9am. Retracing their steps via Dover and London they arrived back in Wimborne at 10 past midnight on Thursday the 10th.

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