Good Lady Meg - The OldWinburnians

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Lady Meg Memorial

Lady Margaret Beaufort

The  "Good Lady Meg" who founded the Grammar School in Wimborne was Lady Margaret Beaufort, the mother of King Henry VII. Her father, the Duke of Somerset, died at Kingston Lacy near Wimborne in 1444, just before she was born. He and his Duchess are interred in the table tomb which is situated at the High Altar and is surmounted by their effigies, modelled in  fine alabaster.
The King and Lady Margaret came to The Minster in 1497 to examine the tomb and make arrangements for a Chantry to be set up " to sing there for My Lady's Ancestors for ever".  Later the bequest was increased and a stipulation added that the Chantry Priest was to teach Grammar freely   "to all who come thereto".
In 1509,   Lady Margaret  died and her Will was put into effect, so that a Master was appointed and teaching started in 1511.

Old Boys and Girls of the Grammar School, represented by the Old Winburnians  set up this  Memorial, on the 500th Anniversary of her death, on the exact site of her Chantry, to commemorate the pious gift of "The Good Lady Meg ", the  Royal Foundress of  their  School.

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