Lloyd-Smith. W - The OldWinburnians

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Lloyd-Smith. W

WW2 individuals

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W.  Lloyd-Smith

Full Names

Rank /Unit  

Years at Q.E.G.S.

William  Lloyd-Smith

Warrant Officer
Royal  Air  Force


Date  / Place of Birth

Date  / Place of Death

Age at Death


Friday 10th September  1943


Bill was the son of William Thomas & Mabel Amy Lloyd-Smith of 188, Old Christchurch Road,  Bournemouth.
The costumes for a playlet, "Thirty Minutes in a Street", a School Dramatic Society Production in the summer of 1941, were supplied, as they often were, from his family's business.
However, by that time,  he was a Sergeant Pilot in the R.A.F and, later in the year was reported to have been a Prisoner of War in North Africa.  In the Spring of 1943, the School Magazine recorded  that he had been a P.O.W. but was released in Tobruk, by the Allied advance and was instructing pilots in England. It must have been this role which was responsible for his death in a flying accident.
He is interred in the Bournemouth North Cemetery.

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