Hood H. - The OldWinburnians

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Hood H.

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H. C. Hood

Full Names

Rank /Unit  

Years at Q.E.G.S.

Hugh Charles  Hood

No. 49  Squadron Royal  Air  Force


Date  / Place of Birth

Date  / Place of Death

Age at Death


Saturday  6th June 1942
" Lost  without trace"


Sgt. Hood was the son of Alfred Hugh & Daisy Juliah Hood of Horseport, Fordingbridge and the husband of Mrs. Margaret Constance Hood of Totton, Southampton.     
The Manchester Mk1 - L7287, of which Sgt. Hood was a crew member, took off from R.A.F. Scampton at 2313 hrs on the 6th of June 1942 to attack Emden. It is not known whether or not they bombed their target. The aircraft was "Lost without trace" and undoubtedly crashed into the North Sea, several other aircraft became the victims of night-fighter activity over Holland. All the crew are commemorated on the R.A.F. Runnymede Memorial, which records those airmen who have no known grave.
Throughout 1941 and the early part of 1942, No. 49 Squadron flew the twin engined Hampden bomber with a crew of 4. During May, the Squadron was re-equipped with the Manchester - crew of 7, which, since it was still only a twin engined aircraft, was significantly under-powered. Superficially it resembled the Lancaster, which was developed from it, by some airframe modifications and the addition of two more engines. 49 Squadron was progressively re-equipped with the Lancaster Mk1 from September onwards.
Sgt. Hood, at the age of 33, was at the top of the usual age range for operational aircrew. It is possible that he was the Flight Engineer in the crew since,  prior to the introduction of an appropriate training programme, this aircrew trade was filled by volunteers (often NCOs), from serving engine or airframe ground staff personnel.       

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