Harfield D. A. - The OldWinburnians

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Harfield D. A.

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D. A. Harfield

Full Names

Rank /Unit  

Years at Q.E.G.S.

Donald Arthur Harfield

Leading  Aircraftman
Royal Air Force



Date  / Place of Birth

Date  / Place of Death

Age at Death

1925 (see footnote)
West  Moors

Monday 31st August 1942


Donald was the son of Mr. & Mrs. E. Harfield, of Station Road, West Moors.
Don was in the Boxing Competition held in the Summer term of 1938 and, in the Autumn of that year, he was awarded one of the prizes in Form Vl a.
He gained his School Certificate in the Summer of 1939.and was awarded a prize in the Autumn.  By the Summer of 1941 Don was in the Royal Air Force and in training as a Pilot.

He lost his life in a flying accident toward the end of his training in the United States, the exact location of which is not known, but he is interred in Grave 6,Row 1,Block 14 of the Grand Army of the Republic Cemetery at Miami in Florida. and not, as previously thought , in Oklahoma.
NOTE  After initial, mainly ground based aircrew training in the UK, u/t aircrew were re-classified as Leading Aircraftmen and then sent abroad as part of the Empire Air Training Scheme. As the name suggests, this meant that they went to Canada, Rhodesia or South Africa. However, once the USA had entered the war at the end of 1941, trainees were also sent to various flying schools in America, to be trained as pilots or navigators.

FOOTNOTE - The age given above is from commemorative information supplied by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. However, it would seem to be an error, since it is at variance with the ages of his contemporaries at W.G.S, most of whom were born in 1923. This would suggest that, at the time of his death Don could have been 19 years of age. Furthermore, aircrew volunteers were not normally called for service until after they were eighteen years of age.

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